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Church at St John's

When is it?

Monday - 10.00am-12.00pm - Veterans Breakfast Club

Friday - 9.30am - 10.45am - Parents and carers with babies and pre school aged children

What is it?

 The Bridge Cafe is a social action cafe run by Church Crawley which started out in 2018 with a vision to come from blessing in order to bless others.

In September 2021 TOTS at The Bridge started, a group for parents and carers with babies and pre-school aged children with a vision to provide a safe environment for people to come and feel supported. For more information click here. 

“I have come more often to my appointments, I find it a better environment to relax, chat to my probation officer as well as the volunteers from the church”

“It is a wonderful place, safe and healing.”

“It is a unique way to bring the Lord and the people together and feel safe within the environment”

In January 2022, the Veterans Breakfast Club started where like-minded people can meet for a chat, support and a great breakfast!

Volunteers are there to offer a friendly welcome, encouragement and support, along with signposting to, and hosting other support agencies.



We would love to invite volunteers to join our teams, so if you think that could be you or for more information  please email:

For Tots: Esther

For Veterans Breakfast Club: Liz

We have a box at the back of church for toiletries and we welcome any of your kind donations.