Being made in the image and likeness of God, our bodies matter. Throughout this time of living in more confined spaces and having our natural levels of movement curtailed, its good to think about and be deliberate about how we care for our bodies in this time.
Go for a run
Couch to 5k? 5/5/5 NHS challenge? Or just a jog round the block? A daily run can really help clear the mind, get the blood flowing and stimulate your prayer life.
Limit your intake of alcohol
For many of us, alcohol can become a source of comfort after a day of work or caring for children. How about creating a rhythm which limits your intake and leave yourself room to feel what you are truly feeling? It will help you bring it to God in prayer.
Start the day with an exercise class
From Joe Wicks with the kids to your favourite Hiit coach, there’s plenty of online classes out there to help you get the blood pumping at the beginning of the day. It can so often be the case that if we can wake ourselves up physically, it might help us wake up spiritually too.
Be with Jesus. Become like Jesus. Do what Jesus did.