Introducing kids to prayer is great fun and can be made easy by reviewing the day and bringing it to God by talking about the highs and lows.
1. Entering God’s presence. Set a prayerful tone. “Let’s pray about our day. God, you have been with us all day long, since the time we woke up until now; help us to remember our day, so we can bring it to you.”
2. What happened today? Review the events of the day, moving through each part and offering prompts: “What happened in the morning when we woke up? . . . What happened at school? . . . When we got home? . . . When were we angry? . . . Sad? . . . Happy? . . . What was beautiful? . . . What was amazing?” Optionally, write down or draw responses on a white board or in a prayer journal.
3. How was God present, and how did we respond? “How was God present to us today?” You will probably need to name this for your children at first, or supplement their responses with your own suggestions. It might be obvious that God is present in moments of beauty and joy, but you can help your children see how God is also present during times of challenge and sadness. Ask, “How did we respond to God’s presence? When were we loving? When weren’t we loving?”
4. Pray the day. Invite your children to think about what Jesus is saying to them through the events of the day. Invite them to pray in response: “What do we want to tell Jesus about what happened today?” Encourage simple words of praise, thankfulness, repentance, forgiveness, and requests then, say a simple prayer such as the Lord's Prayer or a spontaneous prayer of your own, or sing a song, as a way of offering it all up to God.
Here are a few links you might find helpful
Cheeky Pandas
Cheeky Pandas cartoons Christian, fun-filled and Bible based, with songs, stories, prayer and interviews with special guests. Every episode has matching crafts, games, a Bible reading and prayer.
Lectio for Families
Lectio for Families follows a simple P.R.A.Y. pattern each day with either audio or notes to pray together.